"God is love. His plan for creation can be rooted only in love. Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy."

Paramahansa Yogananda

About The Assisi Institute

Located in Rochester, New York, The Assisi Institute is a place of stillness, silence, and peace. Our mission is to support individuals who seek a deeper relationship with God.

We study and practice two spiritual traditions: Kriya Yoga, a yoga of breath and meditation, and Mystical Christianity. Kriya Yoga was brought to the United States in 1920 by the great Hindu guru and author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda. Our Christian gurus include Jesus, St. Francis of Assisi, and others. All of our study and practice is compatible with any spiritual tradition, or no tradition. We take our name from St. Francis of Assisi, who lived a life of silence, community, service, and joy.

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Online Courses

The Assisi Institute offers a variety of online courses, both live and self-study, designed to deepen spiritual understanding and practice. Our live online classes include meditation, commentary, and group discussion. Our two self-study courses allow for easy, anytime access to concise teachings. All of our courses serve various levels of spiritual seekers, from beginners to those preparing for Kriya Yoga initiation.

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Isha Das

Craig Bullock (Isha Das) is an accomplished teacher, writer, lecturer, practicing psychotherapist, and spiritual director of The Assisi Institute in Rochester, New York. A former pastoral administrator at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Rochester, Isha Das earned graduate degrees in Religious Studies from the University of Notre Dame and Clinical Psychology from the University of Duquesne. His education includes extensive study in psychology, spirituality, mysticism, world religions, and yoga. He counts Richard Rohr among his life-long friends and mentors. Isha Das was made a minister and official Kriya Yoga teacher by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. His latest book is Open Wider The Door: The Integration of Kriya Yoga And Mystical Christianity.

Our Leadership & Staff

The Assisi Institute is blessed with a diverse and dedicated leadership team that brings together experienced spiritual directors, teachers, and practitioners of both Kriya Yoga and mystical Christianity. Our staff members are committed to supporting students on their spiritual journey through personal guidance and teaching. Each leader brings their unique gifts and expertise while maintaining the Institute's core mission of integrating Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. Many of our spiritual teachers have decades of experience in meditation, contemplative practices, and spiritual guidance, ensuring that students receive authentic and transformative direction.


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