Dear Assisi Family,
Peace! I pray this letter finds you happy and healthy. To say that the past eight months have been difficult is a monumental understatement. Circumstances have challenged all of us at a very deep level. Rather than these trials driving us away from God, they have only moved us to a deeper level of prayer, meditation, and dependency on Divine Providence.
Through God’s grace and your loving support, we have found a way as a spiritual community not only to survive, but to thrive. As our online offerings have grown, so has our capacity to reach more and more people. Individuals from Europe, India, South America, and across the United States have become virtual members of the Assisi family. I have come to realize that the mission of the Assisi Institute, our mission, is absolutely crucial at this point in history. Now more than ever, the world needs the wisdom and grace of Jesus, Francis, Yogananda, and the Kriya Gurus.
Of course, the fulfillment of our mission is a team effort, and part of my responsibility to our community is transparency about our solvency. Because we are offering limited in-person services, our donations have dramatically decreased, yet we still have to pay the same monthly expenses, pay staff, and upgrade our online technologies so that we can continue to provide our services to the community. Therefore, in the spirit of that poor man from Assisi, I am humbly announcing our annual pledge drive. Some choose to make one annual pledge; others pledge monthly. Pledges are an essential part of our revenue stream because they allow us to plan our expenditures in ways that our other fund-raisers do not. If you have not yet pledged, I ask you to support us. Even a pledge of $5 or $10 per month is invaluable! If you are already pledging, I ask you to consider increasing your monthly pledge by at least ten dollars. Presently, approximately 65 people pledge each month. If each of those people increased their pledge by an average $10, we would have an additional $650 per month to help meet our expenses and make up the difference in the revenue we no longer have. I am increasing my monthly pledge by $25.00.
If you would like to make a once-a-year donation or establish or increase the amount of your monthly pledge, please email Purnima here to let her know. Then, you may click below to make your pledge using Paypal or a credit card.
Please know that both Vicki and I appreciate your love, support, and generosity. We would not be able to serve the spiritual needs of others without the gifts of time, talent, and treasure that so many of you bring to our work. Neither God nor Guru are abandoning us during these troubling times! As we enter the darkest time of the year, heaven’s light holds, strengthens, and sustains us. Thank you for letting your light shine. Together, we shall overcome! We love you!
Isha Das
“God is love. His plan for salvation can be rooted only in love. Does not that simple thought, more than any erudite cosmological tome, offer solace to the human heart? Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists, and that it is beautiful and full of joy.” Yogananda
“We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.” Francis of Assisi