
GOAL $1540

During recent windstorms, we experienced some tree damage. We have an estimated cost of $1540. We would be grateful for your donation to help clean up our grounds. Thank you!


Who knows how long the trees on our grounds have lived here! We can only imagine what the land must have looked like long before this building and the 590 expressway were constructed.

As these giants grow old and start to die, if we don’t intervene to help them down, problems happen. Above, you will see many dead limbs on one of our trees. In the picture below, you will see the aftermath of one of our trees which crashed down on the fence which separates us from the bank down to the expressway. Thankfully, a volunteer came in to separate the trunk into logs, leaving the remainder of the tree on the other side of the fence for workers from the state to remove.

As you can see, we have issues on our north fence line! We have received a very reasonable estimate for work which would remove some of the dead trees and their branches, ensuring that we do not need to replace more fencing and that some newly planted trees have adequate sunlight. The estimate for this work, which is 1,500, includes log removal and stump grinding.


The giants on our property have much to remind us! This season, plan to take some time on a nice day or evening to admire them. Would you like to help us save for this tree project with a donation of any amount?