We humans are incredibly intelligent, gifted, and capable. Be that as it may, we are incapable of saving ourselves. I say this because we are all trapped within our karmic illusions and compulsions to a lesser or greater extent. Yes, we need something beyond ourselves to save us from ourselves. This truth gets to the heart of Christmas and the essence of Christ Consciousness. The prologue of John’s Gospel describes the meaning of Jesus’ birth as an outpouring of “grace upon grace.” In our words, we might say that through the person of Jesus the Christ, the Divine Mother gave birth to God’s unbounded love within human history. This love is not a sentimental feeling, but the most powerful force in all of creation, drawing all people and all things back to their center, which is God. This powerful force is the Christ Consciousness, and the good news is that the Christ Consciousness is available to all of us —  if we dare to gamble everything on love. For your contemplation and prayer today, I offer you these words from Julian of Norwich:

Know it well, love is its meaning.
Who reveals this to you? Love.
What does he reveal? Love. Why? For Love.
Remain in this and you will know more of the same.