Monday: Spirituality is very, very simple. It is the ever-deepening process of opening the door of our hearts to the Divine Beloved. In other words, spirituality is our childlike consent to God’s presence!
Tuesday: Our discontentment is actually God saying to us, “I am here! I am ever-deepening bliss, and I am all the love you have been seeking.” Without the experience of discontentment, it is unlikely that we will ever consent to God’s presence with any depth, sincerity, or ardor.
Wednesday: What does it mean to hear God’s voice? Are we talking about a physical or literal voice that we hear audibly? No! God’s voice is our own insatiable longing for greater and greater levels of peace, joy, and love.
Thursday: As we consider what it means to “open the door,” we must ask ourselves a fundamental question: how much intimacy are we capable of bearing? Are we ready to have God and Guru “come into” us? Are we willing to have the Divine Life and our lives become a single life? Are we open to truth dictating our thoughts, beauty organizing our lives, and love inspiring our every action?
Friday: Not only do God and Guru have sup with us, but we have sup with them, meaning that we bring a kind of nourishment to them. Yogananda tells us, “God has everything but our love.”
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.