This week, Isha Das writes to us from Assisi, Italy, to share Assisi’s peace, rest, and inspiration.
Becoming aware of and living from the stream of cit, pure interior awareness, is not a dumbing down process, and it has nothing to do with naval-gazing. Rather, cit is a door that opens us to heaven’s most cherished blessings. One of these blessings is the conscious awareness of both the guru’s presence and the presence of angels and other helpers from the unseen realm. They are ever-present, whispering inspired thoughts, giving us hints as to how we might proceed in a given situation, supporting all of our noble endeavors, and always loving us with the sweetest of loves. Our angels and divine helpers never condemn us. You do not have to take my word for all of this! As an experiment, create a degree of sacred space in your life. Give up your attachment to your drama, agendas, and thoughts as to how things should be. Whenever you can, avoid people and situations that stimulate your reactive mind. Meditate, pray, and ask for guidance. Dare to listen, really listen. At first, this process can be uncomfortable, even painful, yet eventually it will yield a harvest of blessed fruit in our lives.
My blessed angels
And divine loved ones,
May I grow more and more aware
Of your sacred presence
Which always surrounds me.