Monday: We humans are innately dissatisfied creatures. We always seem to want better, best, and bigger than the best. We constantly try to leap beyond ourselves. Surprisingly, this dissatisfaction is not a flaw, but a blessing.
Tuesday: A true guru embodies the very energy, grace, and consciousness of God. The guru is the portal between God and ourselves who initiates us into the Divine Life and teaches how to stabilize and deepen our spiritual realizations. A
Wednesday: As we practice Kriya Yoga and attune ourselves to the guru, a liberating discovery begins to unfold: we begin to realize that our true identity is more than realize that our bodies, emotions, personalities surface selves, and stories about ourselves. We are the atman, the soul, the divine archetype.
Thursday: Community works in this way: when people gather around the grace and wisdom of a God-realized person, their united devotion creates a force field of divine energy that elevates the consciousness of all of its members. Still further, this force field of divine energy has a positive effect on the world at large.
Friday: Most crucial in meditation is stillness or silence. This silence does not necessarily mean quiet, but the very presence of the Divine which stills our thoughts and quiets our desires.
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.