Mahavatar Babaji
Nothing is known about the birth and life of Mahavatar Babaji, who reveals himself to very few. The deathless avatar resides in remote regions of the Himalayan Mountains in India. When he revived the lost meditation technique known as Kriya Yoga through his beloved disciple Lahiri Mahasaya, he told him, “The cries of many bewildered worldly men and women have not fallen unheard on the ears of the Great Ones. You have been chosen to bring spiritual solace through Kriya Yoga to numerous, earnest seekers. The millions who are encumbered by family ties and heavy worldly duties will take new heart from you, a householder like themselves. You should guide them to understand that the highest yogic attainments are not barred to the family man. Even in the world, the yogi who faithfully discharges his responsibilities, without personal motive or attachment, treads the sure path of enlightenment.” Just before Yogananda came to America in 1920, Mahavatar Babaji appeared to him, saying, “Follow the behest of your guru and go to America. Fear not; you shall be protected. You are the one I have chosen to spread the message of Kriya Yoga in the West.” Ultimately, Babaji guides the spiritual evolution of all devotees of Kriya Yoga. When we reverently mention his name, we receive an immediate blessing.
Divine Babaji,
Unseen, you have included
And protected us.
We send you
Our profound gratitude and love.