Monday: This week, I am using stories from the Book of Genesis as reflection points. These stories do not belong exclusively to Jews or Christians, but to the whole world. While these narratives might not be historical from a strictly scientific perspective, they contain profound truths that capture the essence of the human condition. Watch for similar stories from the Hindu tradition in the near future!
Tuesday: Genesis tells us that because of their shame, Adam and Eve were so afraid of God that they hid. Originally, they had no shame or fear. They were absolutely naked (transparent) in the presence of God, existing in a state of holy innocence. Then, sin, which literally means “to miss the mark,” happened.
Wednesday: Indeed, God does give commandments, and if the truth be told, most of us are not fond of this fact. Rather than reducing the idea of commandments to an oppressive patriarchal system, we would be wise to understand how these divine commandments unfold and the inherent wisdom they offer.
Thursday: We all know that life can be unpredictable, even catastrophic. No person or nation is immune to life’s turbulent waters. Yet, we need not despair. God is with us, and just as God guided Noah in and through the ordeal confronting him, God will surely do the same for us. God has no stepchildren!
Friday: We all get stuck in habitual patterns that do not serve us in a positive way. The yoga literature refers to these habitual patterns as samskaras, compulsive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that seem to control our lives. To a lesser or greater extent, we are all under their influence.
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.