At the deepest level of our being, we are whole and complete, yet life happens. None of us will escape disappointment, hurt, and trauma. These painful moments have a way of adding up over lifetimes, imprinting our nervous systems with fear and shame. As this occurs, our God-given wholeness is overshadowed by anxiety, depression, and addictive tendencies.

Knowing we are part of a Universal Consciousness that is loving, ever-present, and wise is the foundation for health and wholeness. The spiritual process is not about saving our souls, but releasing layers of stress, tension and suffering. During our fall retreat, we will gain clarity on how we can heal trauma and reduce stress through our spiritual practices.

On November 9th from 9 am to 1 pm ET we will come together for a mini-retreat, Life Happens: Healing Mind & Heart through Spiritual Practice, in person at the Assisi Institute and online.

We will pray, meditate, and avail ourselves of God’s healing love as we explore practical and spiritual pathways to healing that we can implement in our day-to-day lives. Undoubtedly, we will also share some light-hearted laughter!

We will explore these areas and more:

  • If God can heal me, why do I still need therapy, medication, and support groups?
  • I have meditated for years. Why do I still suffer from anxiety and depression?
  • How do I know if I am using spiritual practices as a way to escape my painful realities?
  • What is the role of truth in healing?
  • How can my powerlessness over my depression or addiction become my strength?
  • How would the Kriya and Christian paths help me to understand generational trauma?

This retreat is open to everyone for a donation to the Assisi Institute.