Monday: The fact that Jesus was attracted to the unattractive, the so-called outcasts of his day, says something profound about God: God is not attracted to those who imagine themselves to be self-righteously perfect, but to the humble of heart, the rejected, and the broken-hearted.

Tuesday: If we have lived long enough and are honest with ourselves, we will admit to having feelings of remorse which often manifest as toxic self-reproach. Indeed, the ego is a tortuous taskmaster. Thus, at certain times we all need to hear from a spouse, friend, or spiritual mentor, “You are forgiven and loved unconditionally; today is a new day.”

Wednesday: Jesus’ injunction to love our enemies is not a call to denial or victimhood. Rather, it is an invitation to live from our hearts, to pray for the highest good of all people, to serve the highest good of everyone in our lives, and to be motivated by love in our words and deeds.

Thursday: Jesus underscores the truth that God dwells in the depths of every person’s soul. Thus, we must ultimately find God within ourselves and ourselves in God.

Friday: Perhaps the most audacious aspect of Jesus’ teaching was his implicit trust in the loving providence of God, even in the midst of profound suffering.

To see the complete passages from this week, click here.