Monday: Ideas are merely thoughts about things, about life. They can be born from our observations, but most often they are just opinions and reflect nothing other than individual and cultural prejudices.

Tuesday: Intuition without intelligence soon dissolves into superstition, and reason without faith in a higher intelligence becomes a perceptual prison.

Wednesday: How do we avail ourselves of wisdom? Silence! I am not talking about merely being quiet. I refer to prayerful silence, wherein we are waiting to hear God’s voice by listening to our soulful intuitions and availing ourselves of those subtle beams of light to illuminate our understanding. 

Thursday: I often hear people say, “I am spiritual, but not religious.” When I question them about metaphysical matters or the nuances of spirituality, they typically spout answers that have little depth or practical value.

Friday: If we are going to live productive and meaningful lives, we must be radically honest with ourselves. One of the most honest questions we can ask ourselves is this: what am I seeking?

To see the complete passages from this week, click here.