Even though we are capable of knowing much about ourselves, such as our psychological and social histories or our genetic and cultural conditioning, none of these factors describes our deepest, most essential selves. Why? Each one of us is a unique expression of the Divine Image. Just as God is a rich and unfathomable mystery, so are we. A mystery can never by analyzed, probed, or measured, but only experienced and loved. As unique, beloved mysteries, we must avoid the temptation to put God and ourselves into categorized boxes. Be aware of your personality traits, but don’t allow anything or anyone to define you. Ignore the ego’s tendency to label everything, which obscures your actual identity in God. Not knowing is the beginning of true knowledge. Therefore, approach God and your innermost self with silence, awe, and childlike wonder. Dare to trust the mystery of God and the mystery of yourself. This is true freedom!
Guruji, remind me:
I do not need
to understand everything
About God, myself, or others.