The promise that God and Guru make to us is quite beautiful: they will “have sup” with us. They will break bread with us and sustain us with heavenly manna. Then, we will know a fullness and completeness that the world cannot give us. Yet that is only half the story! Not only do God and Guru have sup with us, but we have sup with them, meaning that we bring a kind of nourishment to them. Yogananda tells us, “God has everything but our love.” To this shared sacred meal we bring our warmth, affection, and love – and we should never underestimate the value of our gift. Why? Our love and warmth toward God is the very portal that allows God’s warmth and love to manifest in the world. We need God, and God needs us.
What would be different
If I fully understood how much
God and Guru need my love?
If I understood how much
God and Guru need my love
to turn the world to goodness?