This simple fundraiser brought us significant benefits last year: your generosity brought us approximately $7000, providing a welcome and essential addition to our very modest budget at a particularly challenging point in our financial year. We humbly ask your help again for the summer of 2019.
Simply choose an envelope from the basket. There are 150 total envelopes. Inside, you will find an inspirational quote from the gurus and a dollar amount from $1 to $150. That is the amount we request! Twenty three of the envelopes will contain randomly placed prizes which range from a Blessing Shop item, to a free series at Assisi Yoga, all the way up to a free retreat.  Last year, some chose to take more than one envelope, and others chose to fill an envelope as a group. 
Envelopes will be available at a special fellowship celebration following Kriya on July 11, which is also near our 8th anniversary in this building. You will have five weeks —  until August 15 — to fill and return your envelope. 
How well can we support our spiritual home this time? Stay tuned!