This week, I am using stories from the Book of Genesis as reflection points. These stories do not belong exclusively to Jews or Christians, but to the whole world. While these narratives might not be historical from a strictly scientific perspective, they contain profound truths that capture the essence of the human condition. Watch for similar stories from the Hindu tradition in the near future!
“In the beginning…the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep… Then, God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”
The Book of Genesis

 “Talking with God is a definite fact. God, being cosmic vibration, is the Word.”

Even a casual glance at the conditions in the world reveals enormous levels of chaos which have given rise to enormous levels of suffering. Yet there is good news: God intervenes in our chaos as a force for order and healing. When God speaks, a life-giving and enhancing order arises. Think of the positive impact that Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech has had on our society. God was speaking in and through Dr. King. Now, God does not have favorites; God speaks to all of us. But do we know how to listen? Still deeper, are we too infatuated with our own unenlightened voices to even want to listen to the voice of God?
Yogananda gives us the necessary guidance to enable us to really listen to God’s voice: “When the mind is quiet, it becomes the altar of God.” Translation: when we put aside our agendas and ideologies, when we fast from the cacophonous voices so prevalent in the world of social media, and when we enter into meditative silence, God will speak words of wisdom, comfort, and empowerment. God’s words will resurrect our most soulful dreams, if we are willing to practice listening.

Beloved God,
May I trust
That you speak to me continually
With words of
Wisdom, comfort, and empowerment.