As I wrote in yesterday’s reflection, chaos is a given; it is just part of the human condition. How we respond to chaos makes all the difference in the world, quite literally. Ultimately, our response to chaos is shaped by our worldview. Do we see life as a roll of the dice with no rhyme or reason? For example, some see the evolution of life on planet earth as a coincidence of diverse factors coming together against all statistical odds to create and nurture life. If this is our world view, then chaos is nothing other than a manifestation of nihilistic meaninglessness.
There is, however, an alternative worldview which places human history and evolution within a lovingly purposeful field of consciousness, within the mind and heart of the Creator. This was certainly Jesus’ worldview when he said, “Not even a lowly sparrow falls to the ground without the Father’s consent.” Yogananda revealed his worldview when he said, “Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine and universal plan exists, and that is beautiful and full of joy.” If Jesus and Yogananda are speaking the truth, and of course they are, then all of the events of history are woven into a seamless evolutionary garment, regardless if we understand exactly how the process works.
In recent years, we have rightly moved away from any understanding of God that involves any notion of a vengeful or punishing deity. We have rightly described God as love. But what we have failed to realize, at times, is that love has many faces, manifestations, and expressions. Love (God) does whatever is needed to evolve a situation and the people living within it. Perhaps the chaos we are now experiencing is God’s way of purifying us, evolving us, and moving us in a new and better direction. Meditate on Yogananda’s inspired words:
“Gloom is but the shade of Divine Mother’s hand outstretched caressingly. Don’t forget that. Sometimes when Mother is going to caress you, a shadow is caused by her hand before it touches you. So when trouble comes, don’t think she is punishing you; Her hand overshadowing you holds some blessing as it reaches out to bring you nearer to Her.”

Divine Mother,
Sometimes I just need
To accept the chaos,
Knowing that you 
Are working for my highest good.