Heaven and hell are real! However, heaven is not a place of reward and hell is not a place of punishment. Heaven and hell are states of consciousness that we nurture within ourselves. Simply, it is “heaven all the way to heaven and hell all the way to hell.” Purgatory is also real. We are in purgatory whenever we have one foot in the soul and the other in the ego. Believe it or not, the consciousness of purgatory is more painful than that of hell. More often than not, people stuck in the consciousness of hell do not know that they are in hell; they have no higher reference point, no sense of peace, joy, or love. Neither Stalin nor Hitler knew that they were in hell. It is different for most of us. We have tasted God’s effulgent presence; we know true freedom and bliss. Thus, when we vacillate between egoic awareness and the soul’s consciousness we suffer greatly in that we know the difference. This year, claim your spiritual birthright. Leave purgatory behind! Plant both of your feet in your soul, in truth, beauty, and goodness, in God’s presence. As Francis of Assisi told us, “Joy is the great defense against the snares of the devil.”

Divine Mother,
Help me to remember:
The consciousness of heaven
Is always available to me.