The path to God realization is grounded in a meditation practice, but that is merely the first step. If we are going to go all the way, if we are going to experience union with the Divine, then we must treat each and every person we encounter as though they are Jesus (or Krishna, Buddha, Yogananda, or God). And yes, we must treat ourselves in the same way. Seeing God in everyone is not optional; rather, it is a core spiritual practice. Seeing others in this way implies seeing them minus our projections or preferences; we see their pain, their challenges, their courage, and their potential for perfection. In this way, everyone becomes a revelation, much like the burning bush that Moses encountered on Mount Sinai. Jesus taught us, “Whatever you do until the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me.”

Divine Mother,
May I reverence
Everyone I see
Including myself
As reflections of you.