Ideas matter; they have consequences. In terms of the future of the human race there are essentially two models of reality available to us: either we are on our own, desperately trying to self-evolve and relying entirely on our own intelligence and good will, or there is a spiritual force infusing the human race with wisdom and love so as to guide us toward our highest evolutionary possibilities. In the first model, there is nothing above us: no transcendental power, no grace. It is a closed system, meaning that we are gods unto ourselves. In the second model, we are part of a field of unimaginable possibilities, a shoreless ocean of consciousness. Indeed, we are cells in the cosmic body of Christ and Krishna. Our lives exist within the Divine Life. To find proof that this theistic model is real, simply look at the life of Jesus, Francis, Teresa of Avila, Swami Vivakananda, Yogananda, Padre Pio, Anandamayi Ma, and Mother Teresa. They are our evolutionary brothers and sisters, testifying to what is possible for all of us.
Let me never settle
For less than this:
I am a beloved cell
In the cosmic body
Of Christ and Krishna.