We humans are innately dissatisfied creatures. We always seem to want better, best, and bigger than the best. We constantly try to leap beyond ourselves. Surprisingly, this dissatisfaction is not a flaw, but a blessing. Why? Within the depths of our souls is the memory of paradise, of union with God. We have been created for God, for the highest truth, beauty, and goodness! Nothing short of the Eternal Absolute will ever satisfy the hunger of our hearts. All of our addictions, compulsions, and out-of-control ambitions are in reality a misdirected search for God. Yet, there are simply not enough true spiritual teachers to guide sincere seekers into the various levels of God-communion. For this very reason Paramahansa Yogananda was sent to the West, not to proclaim a new religion but to share the blessings of Kriya Yoga with the world at large. Yogananda explains, “To reestablish God in the temples of souls through revival of the original teachings of God-communion as propounded by Christ and Krishna is why I was sent to the West.” Yogananda continues to be a powerful engine, bringing countless souls into the depths of samadhi, that is, union with God.

Divine Mother,
Thank you
For the gifts of our gurus
Who show us how
To fill our hungry, restless hearts.