There are no exceptions to the existential rule that life’s circumstances frequently make life hard for all of us. These difficult circumstances are even harder when we live as islands, separated from the source of life, strength, and hope. In short, we need God, but not because God is a superhero sitting on a throne. Rather, God is the source of all that is noble, desirable, and life-affirming. God is the highest good we can possibly imagine whose goodness extends far beyond the reach of our imagination. This absolute goodness is not reducible to an idea or a static entity. The goodness we refer to as God is a purposeful, organizing force that guides the evolutionary arc of creation. God’s goodness is Reality itself, that is, the really real. Each time we pray, meditate, and seek to live a life of loving service, we cease to be an isolated island. We become part of an infinite landmass comprised of nothing other than truth, beauty and goodness. We become unconquerable.
God alone is changeless;
Patience attains the goal.