Living Grace
Daily Inspiration for Meditation and Contemplation
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The Resurrection Impulse
and the Forces of Degeneration
Two forces operate within human history and within our personal lives: the impulse toward a life which is divine, loving, and abundant, and the degenerative inclination characterized by division, destruction, and death. We see these very real forces on full display in...
Gospel Truth and Yogananda’s Wisdom
Today, Christians celebrate the Easter Mystery, the resurrection of Jesus. Along with Yogananda, Christians believe that Jesus’ bones are not rotting in some middle-eastern grave. Rather, Jesus’ body, thoroughly divinized by grace, continues to serve his...
Weekly Summary April 11 – April 15, 2022
Monday: Though life brings us many joys, it also brings many forms of suffering, which is part of the human condition. If Jesus had just skated through life, going from glory to glory, I don’t think most of us would be able to relate to him.Tuesday: I am always...
Holy Week: An Oxymoron?
The title we give to this most solemn day when we remember Jesus’ torture and death on the cross is Good Friday. “Good” Friday is perhaps the most profound oxymoron we have ever known. Again I would like to say that those who consider Jesus merely a wisdom teacher are...
Holy Week: An Oxymoron?
Today, Holy Thursday in the Christian tradition, is the time we remember Jesus’ agony in the garden. Greek root words for agony are “struggle and “contest.” We understand that such struggles are usually accompanied with great mental suffering, anguish, and even...
Holy Week: An Oxymoron?
Given the high state of Jesus‘ consciousness, I do not think the horrific events of his last week on earth caught him by surprise. I think he saw what was coming, yet he consciously embraced the suffering that was to visit him. This is the point: when we consciously...