God is love, and love is the source and essence of true strength. God is an immovable mountain, a pillar of power, an unending source of stability. Without strength, love devolves into mere sentiment. Love endures all things, bears all manner of suffering, and ultimately triumphs over all that is not love. Some are uncomfortable with the idea of strength, confusing it with anger and aggression, which are distortions of strength. Strength is not born of egoic-willpower. Rather, as a participation in God’s strength, it arises from the depth of our souls. We access divine strength to the degree that we bow to Truth and align ourselves with Reality, with God. We must stop denying the strength that is within our souls. We must stop saying things that weaken us. We must stop breaking bread with those who want to weaken us. Everyone’s ego is fragile, but our souls are a mighty fortress. What the world needs now are lovers who can endure, stand firm in the midst of life’s storms, and love in all circumstances!
Divine God,
You are the source
Of my strength:
An immovable mountain,
A pillar of power,
And an unending source of stability.