“The kingdom of God is within you.” Jesus

Jesus never denied the reality of sacred spaces, sacred rituals, or sacred communities as portals into God’s presence. But what he emphasized more was God’s nearness to all people. Jesus underscores the truth that God dwells in the depths of every person’s soul. Thus, we must ultimately find God within ourselves and  ourselves in God. Sensing God begins with meditation, wherein we disconnect from the outside world and our daily duties so as to discover God’s silent presence within our own depths. It also means we learn to listen not to the raucous desires and reactions of the ego, but to the subtle voice of the conscience. Conscience tells us when we are moving in the wrong direction through a sense of discomfort, and it tells us when we are in the flow of truth, beauty, and goodness by the experiences of peace and joy. Most importantly, we know we are living from God’s presence when our lives are expressions of love. Jesus said, “All people will know you are my disciples by your love for one another.”

Beloved Jesus, Beloved Yogananda,
My soul is your most beautiful temple.