Recently, someone emailed me to ask what I mean by “Christ Consciousness” in plain terms. To answer this question, let me start with our Guru’s words. Yogananda defines Christ Consciousness as, “the intelligence of God in all vibratory creation, the pure reflection of God that creates, re-creates, preserves, and molds creation according to God’s divine purpose.” I would add that though this Christ Consciousness was fully embodied in Jesus of Nazareth, it is universally present in all things and people and manifested in the saints and sages of all the world’s religions. It is the evolutionary force guiding humanity toward its ultimate end, wherein “God will be all in all.” Christ Consciousness is, therefore, the means through which God manifests and sustains all of life, including you and me, and the very fountainhead of all that is true, beautiful, and good. Saint Paul said it in this way (parentheses are mine): “In Christ (Christ Consciousness) were all things in heaven and on earth; everything visible and invisible… all things were created through Him and by Him (Christ Consciousness). Before anything else was created, he (Christ Consciousnss) existed, and He (Christ Consciousness) holds all things in Unity (Jew and Gentile, Hindu and Buddhist, Muslim and Sikh, agnostic and atheist).
Divine Mother
The Christ Consciousness
Is the gift of Christmas to all of creation.
My heart is open and ready to welcome you.