Never in recorded history have there been more words spoken and communicated between people, yet never before have more people felt isolated, alienated, and divided. Clearly, words alone have no power to heal or reconcile. It is the energy behind the words that effect positive change in the world. Such transformational energy emerges from the Great Silence. In the spiritual life, do not confuse silence with the absence of noise or mere quiet. 

Silence is the womb that nurtures all that is sublime and simultaneously gives birth to inspired words and inspired wisdom. Silence is resting in the nest of God’s being. Silence is the chamber that incubates true creativity. Silence is the portal wherein all that is true, beautiful, and good enters into creation. Silence is the healing balm for our fears, traumas, and self-hatred. Silence is death to the ego and life to the soul. Silence is the antidote to our obsession with opinion, ideology, and tribal thinking. Silence is the absence of motion, thought, and desire. Silence dissolves our distorted self-images and reveals the face we had before we were born. Silence is what happens when the Divine descends upon us. Silence is infinitely deep, endless. At its purest level, silence is the naked presence of God. 

Beloved Divine Mother,
Your language is silence.
May I be willing to listen.