The entire human race suffers from an anxiety disorder: we all carry within us layer upon layer of fear, which is the primary source of human suffering. Fear constricts our minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits. To the extent that we are constricted, God’s light is not free to penetrate into the depths of our consciousness. Sooner or later, we must confront our fears. The first and most important fear we must confront pertains to God. Despite our apparent sophistication, many of us still harbor within the depths of our psyches a primitive fear of God in the context of hell, judgment, abandonment, disapproval, rejection, or indifference. Forever watching our backs, we are afraid to trust God’s goodness. The good news is that spirituality is the ever-deepening process of discovering God’s inexhaustible generosity, wonder, and love.

Divine Mother, 
Dissolve all my fears,
Especially my fears about you.