“I am the way, the truth, and the life.

None of us sees reality as it actually is. We all bring conscious and unconscious prejudices and preferences to our lives. Often, we are more interested in proving we are right rather than pursuing truth. Only a mystic of the highest order, a guru, is free to see life nakedly and purely. Therefore, if we want to be free, we must be willing to sit at the feet of a God-realized master such as Jesus, Yogananda, the Blessed Mother, or Anandamayi Ma. Their words drip with truth, wisdom, and light. Their presence is a powerful forcefield of divine energy which elevates us out of ignorance. Their love is a burning fire that purifies our minds. It is easy to connect with your guru. Begin each day by gazing into an image or icon of him or her. Prayerfully meditate on your guru’s inspired words. Think of him or her lovingly throughout the day, and pray for guidance. Your guru will not disappoint you! 

Help me to see
What you can see.

This week’s reflections come to us from Isha Das’ book Living Grace: A Daily Companion for Meditation and Contemplation.