“What is truth?”
Pontius Pilate to Jesus
When Pontius Pilate asked about truth, Jesus remained silent. Jesus was not simply refusing to answer the question! Jesus gave Pilate the correct answer: silence. Truth does not come to us through logic, debate, scrutiny, or opinion polls. Truth comes in silence. Silence quiets our minds, settles our interior chatter, and dissolves our desires. Silence makes our awareness supple and tranquil. When our awareness is purified, we are better able to hear God’s loving and liberating voice, not in our heads, but in our hearts and souls. Silence is the precondition for the experience of truth. For this reason, Yogananda recommended that before we begin a new or important project, we should meditate in order to attune ourselves to God’s infallible wisdom.
Divine Mother, Beloved Guruji,
Help me into silence
That I may hear your truth.
This week’s reflections come to us from Isha Das’ book Living Grace: A Daily Companion for Meditation and Contemplation.