“Truth consciousness is the capital reality that will make the divine life possible. It does not fumble in its handling of things or stumble in its pace.”
Sri Auribindo
Truth is not primarily a set of dogmas or doctrines. Truth is the mind of God working in and through human history to move us to God-union. It is lovingly powerful and powerfully loving. Ignorance breeds confusion, division, and dissent, whereas truth creates clarity, strength, and unity. Truth can only manifest where there is humility, purity, and a sincere desire for wisdom. So how do we find the truth? First of all, we cultivate a level of interior silence and stillness through prayer and meditation. Then we make a choice to listen to our conscience, the small, still voice within. The spiritually mature individual does not live reactively, but guided by the voice and momentum of truth. Jesus said, “By their fruits you shall know them.”
Divine Mother,
Beloved Guruji,
Slow me down.
Stop me.
Help me listen.
Most of all,
Help me to want the truth.
This week’s reflections come to us from Isha Das’ book Living Grace: A Daily Companion for Meditation and Contemplation.