I often hear people say, “I am spiritual, but not religious.” When I question them about metaphysical matters or the nuances of spirituality, they typically spout answers that have little depth or practical value. I am not defending religion or glossing over the harm that religious people have done in the name of God. However, we cannot deny that certain timeless truths about life, people, and God lie at the core of the world’s various religions. As the saying goes, “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Following the lead of Yogananda and the Kriya Yoga tradition, we especially honor the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels and the profound wisdom embodied in the Bhagavad Gita. In these inspired scriptures, we find those ideals, maps, and truths that will lead us into Self-realization and God-realization. My recommendation is simple: every day, prayerfully read the words of Jesus, Krishna, or a recognized saint. Let their God-inspired wisdom and power find a home in your soul. In this way, we learn to think with the world’s great spiritual masters, and ultimately, how we learn to think with God.