Monday: Clare of Assisi was born July 16, 1194 in Assisi, Italy. She left the body August 11, 1253. Clare was a follower of Francis and a trusted confidant. She was a mystic of the highest order and a revolutionary of sorts in that she founded a women’s religious order, the Poor Clares, grounded in the Franciscan ideal of radical dependency on God through a life of prayer and poverty. Her feast day is August 11. All week, we will be reflecting on her contemplative insights.

Tuesday: For Clare, the spiritual life begins and ends with grace. The literal meaning of grace is God’s unmerited favor, love, and help. The Hindu sage Sri Aurobindo tells us, “Grace is something spontaneous which wells out from the Divine Consciousness as a free flow of its being.” Therefore, grace is not something we earn; it is simply given, each and every moment of our existence.

Wednesday: “The sisters are to keep silence from the hour of Compline (evening prayers) until Terse (morning prayers). They should also keep silence continually in the church… They may speak discreetly.” Clare’s words may sound extreme, yet we must remember that they are directed to women who have chosen to live a monastic life. Having said this, it cannot be overstated just how important silence is in the spiritual life, even for householders.

Thursday: When we visit a holy place or spend time with a saintly person, the connection with the Divine occurs within our awareness and individual consciousness. In these instances, we place our attention on what is true, beautiful, and good, and therefore, we naturally experience God’s presence. In this spirit, Saint Clare gives us two very practical suggestions: “Pray and watch at all times.”

Friday: On her deathbed, Clare thanked God for having created her. What a beautiful and insightful prayer! What an example for us! Clare’s prayer poses a number of questions for you and me: Do we thank God for having created us? Do we appreciate our innate dignity as children of God? Do we know that our lives matter,  that we are part of God‘s beautiful plan for creation? Do we understand that the world would be darker if we did not exist? Do we grasp the truth that God has uniquely created each one of us? 

To see the complete passages from this week, click here.