Monday: God is not a proposition to believe in or not, but a life to be lived and loved. The first time I held my sons Nicholas and Michael, fatherhood became much more than a theory.
Tuesday: If we want our prayers to be meaningful and powerful, we must go underneath our words and thoughts. We must be present to the deepest depths of our own hearts, beneath our self-protective walls and superficial wants and desires.
Wednesday: Most of us are wise enough to know that God does not sit on a throne in the sky. However, discarding such false images of God does not negate the truth that God shows up in our lives as a beloved father and mother who watches over us, guides us, and protects us.
Thursday: If I cannot see God in the people I interact with on a daily basis, including those with different political or religious beliefs, then I will certainly not be able to see God in the context of my meditation and prayer.
Friday: It is easy to have faith in God when life is pleasant, but what about those times when we are visited by some form of suffering, cruelty, or darkness? There are times when faith in God‘s loving providence comes down to an act of the will, a conscious choice to believe in God when there is no apparent reason to believe.
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.