Monday: Yogananda tells us that the most important kriya, or action, that we can practice is meditation. However, there are other actions we can consciously take to increase our awareness of our union with God. Opportunities for kriyas can and do show up!
Tuesday: After a day of discord the cumulative effect of a committed meditation practice ultimately conveyed its vital message: PAUSE! A concentrated act of will directed my attention to the sacred breath cycles of inhalation, pause, and exhalation.
Wednesday: As an active person with many worldly obligations, interests, and hobbies, I used to find it difficult to feel God’s presence every day and within every activity. It wasn’t until I was equipped with my “spiritual compass” that I learned how to keep my mind fixed on God and to devote every act of participation in any activity as service to the Divine plan.
Thursday: Sri Gyanamata’s suggestions for a holy life sound simple enough: detach, think of God, and be patient. These three suggestions take on a very different perspective when I put them to myself as questions on a daily or even a moment-by-moment basis
Friday: Truth unfolds through God’s grace and becomes a living reality through the intuitive facilities of the soul. When our hearts are pure, wanting the truth above all else, then an undiluted awareness and understanding arises within us, illumined by God’s Spirit.
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.