Monday: The Beauty I am talking about is hard to define but easy to recognize.

Tuesday: The greatest challenge facing humanity today is not Covid, the environment, or social justice issues, but the countervailing forces of meanness, divisiveness, and cruelty. If God is Beauty, then evil is ugliness, which is on full display in our modern culture.

Wednesday: The experience of Beauty might come to us through our five senses, but it is actually experienced within the human spirit. Beauty is a spiritual reality, a spiritual experience.

Thursday:  As a divine force, beauty divinizes us. For this reason we must cultivate beauty, orient ourselves to it, and permeate our thoughts and words with it. Sri Yukteswar tells us that beauty begins with a sense of order, purity, and cleanliness.

Friday: Yogananda goes so far as to say that great works of art and literature were conceived by souls in the astral realm before they incarnated on planet earth. We all have the capacity to channel heaven’s inexhaustible beauty.

To see the complete passages from this week, click here.