Monday: Too often, people tend to reduce the path of Kriya Yoga only to meditation. While the life of the yogi is grounded in meditation, Karma Yoga, defined as service to God, guru, and others, is of equal importance.

Tuesday: When we practice Karma Yoga we surrender the fruit of our actions to God. This surrender is essential especially in our present political climate. 

Wednesday: We are always serving something. We constantly give our attention, energy, and emotions to an ideology, people, and our happiness projects. Fearful people serve fear. Angry people serve anger, and loving people serve love. This is more than a quaint psychological point of view.

Thursday: It might be helpful to broaden our understanding of service. In serving people, we are actually serving their highest good in many diverse ways.

Friday: Our planet is one large nest of cooperation. Another word for this cooperation process is service. Life is service, and service is life.

To see the complete passages from this week, click here.