Monday: Underneath the involuntary current of mental stimulation is an ever-present stream of pure awareness, that is, awareness without any of the mind’s agitating interference. Yogis refer to this pure awareness as cit. It is easy to recognize cit in that it radiates silence, peace, and, at a deep level, nothing other than bliss.
Tuesday: Becoming aware of and living from the stream of cit, pure interior awareness, is not a dumbing-down process, and it has nothing to do with naval-gazing. Rather, cit is a door that opens us to heaven’s most cherished blessings. One of these blessings is the conscious awareness of both the guru’s presence and the presence of angels and other helpers from the unseen realm.
Wednesday: We experience two distinct phases of the meditative experience within the tradition of Kriya Yoga and many other meditation practices. The first phase is typically more active, employing certain techniques and disciplines. The second phase tends to be more contemplative, or what the Bible describes in numerous verses as Waiting upon God.
Thursday: I often hear the question, “How do I know if I am making progress on the spiritual path?” As a starting point, we become less narcissistic, less self-absorbed; we live for others, the Guru, and God.
Friday: Hard work is good for the soul, and being tired is not a sin. But we must avoid a perpetual state of exhaustion that leads to an interior state of constant fatigue. When we are chronically exhausted, it is nearly impossible to be attuned to our souls or to experience joy.
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.