Monday: The world’s great saints and sages offer us what I like to call the “Grand Narrative.” The essence of this Grand Narrative is clear: we are part and parcel of something much greater than ourselves; we are literally God-begotten, and the very energy of heaven is the wind at our backs
Tuesday: Most likely, you are familiar with the commandment, “Honor your father and your mother.” There are more aspects to this commandment than we may have thought
Wednesday: Paradoxically, when we accept the reality of life’s harshness, it becomes easier to handle. Furthermore, when we stop blaming ourselves for being human and less than perfect, the load becomes less burdensome.
Thursday: We all have limitations, some of them very profound. However, we need not despair, because there is a fundamental truth inherent in all of the world’s spiritual narratives: God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
Friday: It is essential that our personal and world narratives return to the absolute reality of love.
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.