Monday: If God has birthed everything into existence, including you and me, then life is overflowing with precious purpose, and this means everything matters, most especially, people.
Tuesday: We all possess an innate dignity; we all matter. Each one of us has a gift to give to the world. We all uniquely reflect an aspect of God.
Wednesday: In terms of the future of the human race there are essentially two models of reality available to us: either we are on our own, desperately trying to self-evolve and relying entirely on our own intelligence and good will, or there is a spiritual force infusing the human race with wisdom and love so as to guide us toward our highest evolutionary possibilities.
Thursday: I am not suggesting a fundamentalistic approach to the world’s scripture, but I am suggesting that we make room for these inspired words in our hearts and minds, especially when they are interpreted by sages and saints.
Friday: Everyone has a primary reference point; everyone has a god. How we understand or misunderstand God will determine our experience of reality, life, and ourselves. We become the god we worship.
To see the complete passages from this week, click here.