Our Annual Luminaria Service

December 21, 2023 at 7pm

In the Temple and on Facebook Live

“The candles are many, but the light is one.” Rumi

Join us for this well-loved Assisi Institute tradition to remember and honor your loved ones. We will lovingly assemble the luminarias and carefully line them up and down the sidewalk on Winton Road. They will remain lit for a number of hours to bring cheer and hope for the many people who will travel Winton Road during that time.

The service will include prayer, a short meditation, music, and the loving reading of the names of all those whom we remember and honor. We will conclude the service with a time of fellowship.

We look forward to being with you, seeing the beautiful sight, praying through this beautiful service, and hearing all the names of our loved ones.

You may dedicate a luminaria in memory of or in honor of a loved one. The cost of each luminaria is $10. The deadline for online or in-person luminaria ordering is Monday, December 18 by 5pm.