Dear Assisi Family,

Peace! As always, I pray this note finds you well. Paramahansa Yogananda has given us a great and noble task: to be a force for healing, reconciliation, and light in a very dark and troubled world. With your support and the grace of our gurus, we have done our very best to do this during this past year.

  • Our summer retreat hosted over 70 participants from as far away as California, Australia, and the continent of Africa
  • 130 people and counting have subscribed to our 28-Day video course
  • Our mini-retreats have been well attended, and our yoga programs are thriving
  • This fall, we will be offering a 40-Day video course on Kriya Yoga and Mystical Christianity, a Friday morning class on Patanjali’s sutras, and a mini-retreat in October
  • In January, I will be offering a new, 12-month intensive course

All of these are in addition to our standard programs and classes, not to mention our Thursday night Kriya services. I note all of this not in a spirit of pride, but to underscore the importance of our mission. We recently received a letter from one of this summer’s retreatants, who wrote,

“The retreat was life-changing for me. The 28-Day Course is also incredible. The Thursday night Kriya Service is so wonderfully healing. I love the Assisi Institute and what an oasis of God’s love and peace it is. Thank you, thank you! Blessings, Cindi”

Such letters show us that we are indeed fulfilling our guru’s mission. For this reason, and in honor of the twelfth anniversary of the purchase of our building, I am asking you to consider making a donation of $12 or any multiple of 12 that comfortably fits your budget. Your generosity is so very crucial to the work of The Assisi Institute; you make it possible for us to do what we do. As I make this appeal with full awareness that the cost of living is rising exponentially, my hope is that you would consider your monetary gift as a kind of prayer to support our mission, sent with gratitude, mindfulness, and hope. We will conclude this appeal at Thanksgiving.

To donate, click the Donate button below or mail a check to:

The Assisi Institute
1400 N Winton Road
Rochester, NY 14609

With the humility of Francis and my profound gratitude, I thank you! Please pray for us, and know that you always remain in our prayers.

In love and service,
Isha Das