Monday: We know we are living from our souls because we can witness the world with unprejudiced objectivity. In those moments, we are capable of experiencing a transcendental peace that has nothing to do with what is happening externally. As well, we live our lives with a sense of personal mastery: the mind, imagination, will, and passions are under the influence of God’s grace, the Guru’s blessing, and our own souls.

Tuesday: The child state is a manifestation of the ego and does not serve us well. When the child state is operating, we tend to feel powerless, helpless, dependent, anxious, needy, and demanding. We want to be liked and loved to such an extent that we deny our truth.

Wednesday: Today, let us turn our attention to the parental egoic state. Underneath the parent lies emptiness, angst, and a profound sense of inadequacy. The parent responds to these uncomfortable feelings by taking control, blaming, criticizing, shaming, and manipulating others. In both behavior and communication style, the parent treats other people as children, talking down to or over them.

Thursday: The adult Self cannot emerge from psychological analysis, reading a book, or listening to a lecture. Typically, the adult is born in the context of suffering, when the pain arising from the ego states of the child and the parent becomes so unbearable that there is a surrender to what is above the ego: God, the guru and one’s own Soul. 

Friday: As citizens of heaven, we are charged to seed planet earth with God’s truth, beauty, and goodness. As Jesus taught us, we do this by making God our first and primary love, and from this divine love affair we love others as extensions of ourselves.

To see the complete passages from this week, click here.