As we practice Kriya Yoga and attune ourselves to the guru, a liberating discovery begins to unfold: we begin to realize that our true identity is more than realize that our bodies, emotions, personalities surface selves, and stories about ourselves. We are the atman, the soul, the divine archetype. As such, the soul holds our capacity for conscious choice, freedom, and love. We are never more ourselves than when we are loving God and others. The good news is that no matter how far we have fallen or how deep our traumas, our potential for freedom and love remains intact. The divine image can never be destroyed. The soul is like the movie screen that remains entirely untouched by the scenes that have danced across it. Without interruption, it is always a spark of the divine. We know that the atman is shining through our personalities because we live lives that are increasingly joyful, loving, peaceful, creative, noble, selfless, wise and virtuous. Yogananda tells us, “Identifying himself with a shallow ego, man takes for granted that it is he who thinks, wills, feels, digest meals, and keeps himself alive, never admitting that in his ordinary life he is naught but a puppet of past actions (karma) and of nature or environment. Each man’s intellectual reactions, feelings, moods, and habits are merely the result of past actions. Lofty above such influences, however, is man’s regal soul. Spurning the transitory truths and freedoms, the Kriya Yogi passes beyond all disillusionment into his unfettered being. The world’s scriptures declare a man not to be a corruptible body but a living soul.”

Beloved God,
Without interruption,
My immortal soul
Holds your light, freedom, and love.