The Assisi Institute
The Assisi Institute is dedicated to supporting individuals who seek a deeper relationship with God. Through the harmonious integration of Kriya Yoga and mystical Christianity, we nurture a sacred community of meditation, contemplative inquiry, and compassionate living.
Today, the former school and convent houses a temple for our services and rooms for retreats. A thriving yoga program occupies our remodeled yoga studio. Some people have come to live as permanent residents of a spiritual community. Many individuals enjoy retreat days, workshops, and services throughout the year. Thriving practices for psychotherapy, massage, chiropractic, and other healing modalities occupy office space. Individuals and groups from all spiritual traditions come to enjoy the peace of this old building for a day, a week, or longer. Visitors consistently comment on the palpable feeling of peace that fills them as they enter the building. All are invited to come and experience this place of grace and peace.
Kriya Yoga
We have been loved into existence by God, and as such we carry within our souls a profound intuition of loving union. All of our efforts to find happiness are actually an attempt to realize this union. Ultimately, only a direct and immediate experience of God – the experience of mystical union – can fulfill our soul’s deepest longings.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all possess a rich tradition of mysticism. Christian mystics include Francis and Clare of Assisi, Thomas Merton, and Padre Pio. Mystics recognize the immanence of God in all things and see themselves as inseparably integral to the cosmic play of creation.
Our Eastern brothers and sisters have much to teach us about a mystical relationship with God. At The Assisi Institute, we study and practice the spiritual path of Kriya Yoga, which was introduced to the West in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the acclaimed spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi.
Kriya Yoga is not a religion; is a spiritual path that brings us home to our own souls and to God. Through the practices of meditation, prayer, healthy, purposeful living, and the blessings of the Gurus, we realize that we are more than our bodies, personalities, thoughts, and feelings. Kriya does not incorporate the asanas (poses) of Hatha Yoga, though Hatha Yoga is an excellent complementary practice. Because Kriya Yoga is easily integrated into other faith traditions, practitioners of Kriya Yoga include people of all spiritual backgrounds or of none.
Kriya Yoga leads us to the experiential knowledge that we are the image and likeness of God and that our true nature is love.
Isha Das
Craig Bullock (Isha Das) is an accomplished teacher, writer, lecturer, practicing psychotherapist, and spiritual director of The Assisi Institute in Rochester, New York. A former pastoral administrator at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Rochester, Isha Das earned graduate degrees in Religious Studies from the University of Notre Dame and Clinical Psychology from the University of Duquesne. His education includes extensive study in psychology, spirituality, mysticism, world religions, and yoga. He counts Richard Rohr among his life-long friends and mentors. Isha Das was made a minister and official Kriya Yoga teacher by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. His latest book is Open Wider The Door: The Integration of Kriya Yoga And Mystical Christianity.
Meet our Team
Co-Director, Minister of Kriya YogaVickijo is the co-founder and Associate Director of the Assisi Institute. As a married couple, she and Isha Das are a united force of stability and inspiration. As an ordained minister within the Kriya Yoga tradition, her presence brings grace, beauty, and light to our mission. Some of Vickijo's responsibilities include overseeing Assisi’s music and chanting ministries, coordinating various operating systems, and providing leadership and insight as a member of Assisi’s Board of Directors.
Minister of Kriya Yoga, Teacher, Editor
An ordained minister within the Assisi Institute, Mary's ministerial service includes acting as administrative assistant to Isha Das and Marketing Team Liaison. Mary also functions as the Assisi Institute’s editor and facilitator of our Spiritual Book Club. Her prayerful presence brings a sense of peace to the Assisi family.
Swami, Blessing Shop Manager, Special Event Planner
An ordained swami in the Saraswati tradition and practicing Reiki Master, Muktima faithfully serves our community as manager of our Blessing Shop. She is instrumental in planning special events from concerts to retreats and co-leader of our monthly Saturday Evening Prayer Service. Muktima also brings a wealth of understanding of healing practitioners and other spiritual communities in Rochester to our staff meetings.
Administrative Assistant, Minister of Kriya Yoga
Purnima is a Swami in the Saraswati tradition. Her responsibilities include bookkeeping, presiding at our Friday service, managing our building, serving as caretaker for our temple, providing technical support, and assisting Isha Das and Vickijo. Purnima is often the person behind the scenes, helping to make sure our various events run smoothly and efficiently. Isha Das relies heavily on her practical wisdom and advice.
Director of Assisi Yoga, Teacher
Christianne lovingly serves as the Yoga Director for the Assisi Institute, responsible for shaping our yoga program. She hand-selects properly trained and certified instructors and works tirelessly to provide high-quality, transformative experiences that align with the Institute's mission and values. As a well-known teacher of Ayurveda, Christianne also brings light, wisdom and warmth to the life of the Assisi family.
Our Teachers and Facilitators
Minister of Kriya Yoga, Teacher
Herb is an ordained minister in the Kriya Yoga tradition and a pillar in the day-to-day life of the Assisi Institute. He also leads our monthly men's group and occasionally writes for Living Grace, our daily online reflection.
Swami, Teacher
Mother, Learner, Traveler, Teacher, Head-Mistress, Writer, Mentor, Shantima brings years of rich yet practical understanding to her work for women, which is her labor of love and priceless service. She lovingly facilitates our monthly Satsang for Women and also acts as teacher for our Thursday night Kriya Yoga Meditation Service. Shantima is also a faithful member of our greeter team.
Prayer Requests
We are happy to pray for your intentions. Simply email your requests to Purnima at prayers@assisi-institute.org and she will place them on the altar.
A specific time is set apart for a meditation in silence for your prayers each week.
What Our Community Is Saying
“Thank you for your support, guidance, and empathy on this spiritual journey. I can’t even put into words what Kriya, the path, and everyone at The Assisi Institute mean to me! Lately the doors to my soul have opened; I yearn so much to love God, get right understanding, and walk the talk.”
“Thank you immensely for encouraging, supporting, and facilitating my Kriya initiation. It has been my life’s greatest blessing, and I hope that as time goes on, more ways to serve within the Assisi family are revealed to me.”
“After last night’s meditation service I felt overwhelming love and appreciation for The Assisi Institute. I am so grateful I was guided to you. The ways Jesus and Yogananda have guided my life in the last year fill me with gratitude. Thank you for being my gift!”