2025 Pledge Campaign

When you pledge for the first time before March 15th, you will receive a copy of Isha Das’ new book, A Hero’s Journey: The Life of Francis of Assisi.

We are blessed with a community rich with love, devotion, and grace. My heart overflows with joy when I think of our Institute's accomplishments and all we hope to achieve in the days, months, and years ahead.

Yogananda's mission, "to reestablish God in the temples of souls through revival of the original teachings of Christ and Krishna," is a beacon of light guiding our way. I was deeply moved to read what one of our online students recently shared:

"Over the past 6 months, I received peace and a softening of the heart from what I learned. I moved from fear to acceptance, gaining a deeper understanding that it's all in God's plan—a beautiful reminder to turn from fear and keep my focus on Christ!"

When we began the Assisi Institute more than 20 years ago, we could never have imagined where we would be today. In 2025, we want to continue the good work we have begun: sharing God's grace and Yogananda's wisdom. 

Here are our visible accomplishments:

  • Weekly online and in-person attendance at our Thursday Kriya Yoga Meditation service averages well over a hundred people, with thousands of replays on YouTube.

  • Attendance at our various retreats continues to rise.

  • Our online courses have grown exponentially, drawing participants from across the United States and as far as Australia and the Dominican Republic.

  • We offer four monthly small-group programs: a spiritual book study, gatherings for women and men, and evening prayer.

  • Since its inception, Assisi Yoga has attracted over 500 people, and we continue to add classes and workshops.

  • We are building collaborative relationships with other Kriya Yoga communities in the United States.

Here are our goals:

  • An online Sunday morning video teaching.

  • A full weekend retreat led by Asha Nayaswami at the end of March.

  • An online morning meditation service offered five days a week.

  • A training program for new Kriya teachers.

  • An online course on the Yoga Sutras taught by Chris Knuth.

My greatest joy has been watching our community grow, connect, and support one another. Your monthly giving sustains this sacred energy. Currently, 48 of our households pledge their financial support monthly. Will you consider joining them?

Your pledge of any amount makes a significant difference for two reasons: First, we need your support to reach our goals and continue providing our programs and offerings. Second, knowing our steady monthly income greatly helps us plan responsibly.

Ways you can contribute:

  • If you are already a pledging household, we appreciate your continued support! 

  • When possible, an increase in the pledging amount is always welcome.

  • If you have not yet become a pledging household, please consider starting this month. No amount is too small or large!  

    • To establish your pledge using PayPal or a credit card online, go here. Be sure to select the "monthly" option.

    • If you would like to establish your pledge by paper check, please email Purnima here (purnima@assisi-institute.org) to let her know. You can also arrange automatic paper checks through online bill payment at your bank. Again, please email Purnima at the address just above to let her know. 

Yogananda teaches us, "Love cannot be had for the asking; it comes only as a gift from the heart of another."

With a full heart and grateful spirit, I thank you for all you have done and continue to do.


Isha Das and Vickijo

You may also write a check payable to: The Assisi Institute and mail it to 1400 North Winton Road, Rochester, NY 14609. A locked wooden box is available at all times in our lobby.

Make a difference 

Your gifts help advance the mission of The Assisi Institute.

The Assisi Institute is committed to finding the resources to support its mission. Through generous giving, we can increase our capacity to reach more people — in person, through our services, classes, retreats, and many more online. Your financial support allows us to exist as a force for good!

The Assisi Institute is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organization. Some who come to us have limited resources, and pledges from our members cover only about one-third of our operating expenses and program costs.

The most helpful way to contribute is to pledge monthly, no matter the amount! Pledging allows us to budget.

“Love cannot be had for the asking; it comes only as a gift from the heart of another.”

Paramahansa Yogananda