Upcoming Events
All are welcome

Saturday Evening Prayer and Potluck (March)
Join this warm smaller community for evening prayer (5 - 5:30), and then enjoy a vegetarian potluck dinner and conversation. Most months, there will be an additional activity to enjoy. This is a great way to get to know us! If you have questions, please email Muktima here.

Saturday Evening Prayer and Potluck (February)
Join this warm smaller community for evening prayer (5 - 5:30), and then enjoy a vegetarian potluck dinner and conversation. Most months, there will be an additional activity to enjoy. This is a great way to get to know us! If you have questions, please email Muktima here.

Short Kriya Yoga Service (followed by a Town Hall meeting)
Our Kriya service features prayer which includes the saints and sages of all traditions, readings from Paramahansa Yogananda and the Bible, a time of guided and silent meditation, and an inspiring talk.

Saturday Evening Prayer and Potluck (January)
Join this warm smaller community for evening prayer (5 - 5:30), and then enjoy a vegetarian potluck dinner and conversation. Most months, there will be an additional activity to enjoy. This is a great way to get to know us! If you have questions, please email Muktima here.

Webinar with Chris Knuth (The Yoga Sutras)
Finding Stability in an Ever-Changing World: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Chris Knuth is hosting a free 90-minute interactive webinar exploring the timeless teachings of the Yoga Sutras and Kriya Yoga. Chris will also introduced his new class on the Sutras of Patanjali, which will begin in February.

New Year Kirtan with Megan Hook
Come raise your voice and vibrate the sacred sound, blessing the New Year, releasing the old, and setting intentions for the coming year. Bask in community, and immerse yourself in purifying and healing sacred sound. Megan calls upon diverse chant traditions including Sanatana Dharma/Vedic, Buddhist, Sikh, and Christian. Hope to see you there.